Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Link building

I find myself constantly finding other websites to exchange links with. I also have a great number of link requests in my inbox daily. I try to add at least one link to one of my sites per day.

I hope all of this hard work pays off in the future as so many things change so fast in the
SEO world. Right as I started to learn how to create my own tags to better my search engine
results, they change their algorithm on me. It seems hard for an average web designer to stay on top of the new trends of the search engines.

For the past year I have used Market Leap's Link Popularity tool to view the incoming links to my site. On Sept 27, 2004 I checked my number of links, it said 2,427. As of today I now have 3,110, not too bad huh.

Just shows that my strategy is working!!!

Until Next Time
Stefani Partin

The Making Money Newsletter For Moms